Lovely, Eric. I never tire of reading about this game and people's experiences with it.

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Thank you so much, man. That means a lot.

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I've really enjoyed reading this series, Eric! I love hearing people talk about their memories with Final Fantasy - the series is so tied in to so many emotional moments of my own life, and so deeply entwined in so many of my relationships with friends and family, and it's great to hear and read about how others understand it in relation to their own journeys.

Really looking forward to reading your eventual writing about Final Fantasy VII Remake!

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Thanks so much, Drake -- really appreciate you following along and I'm glad you got something out of it!

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FFVI is GOATed. Used to two-player it with my bestie, which was something buried deep in the settings (and let him do the suplexing). Last run of it I did back in undergrad, I abused Cactuars and maxed out every Esper on every party member. I'll get the remaster sometime... but I haven't yet determined I need it.

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The Cactuar desert is amazing. I didn't max everyone out this time, but I did make sure all my casters knew the -agas and Ultima before they went to Kefka's Tower. Time well spent.

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